Randomness is not so Random

3 min readJan 30, 2022

My story is unique, as it is for every living being on this planet. Yet, there is much common in our stories with one another, which makes me wonder how everything is connected yet so randomly unique.


This idea further gives me a new way of looking at randomness. Is randomness based on pure chance without any pattern or predictability?
Mathematically, it is all working out on the great scale of calculus of universe and since our minds cannot comprehend these patterns in most cases, we start creating make-believe perceptions of randomness. Whatever it is, we just need to believe in it strongly and it’ll anchor our reality. All that matters is that, we don’t lose control of what we believe in.

Our lives basically revolve around randomness; it is the factor that makes us unique. I first learned about randomness through mathematics. However, as I grew up, I found out how it’s so prevalent in our day to day lives. We often call it “luck” or “chance” or “timing” or, most commonly, “Coincidences” and attribute it to our individual self.

Spirituality, we know, is something we can’t comprehend well either; at least I can’t understand it in its truest sense — How it actually works beyond texts and books.
From a quantum scientific perspective, it is just energy packets that connect us to another (higher) dimensions. A lot of research is being done in this field, and hopefully, we’ll have some breakthroughs in this field of metaphysics. (Check out zero charge field — it is intriguing)
Like that, I hypothesise that spirituality has the properties of controlled randomness, which works the best with ignorance.

Stop thinking so much about things happening in your lives. Your worries won’t help you, only create more space for things you worry about. As humans, we are capable of being spiritual — which according to me, is just having an awareness of self. Once you’re at this plane, you’d understand how we don’t know about most things happening around us and how to communicate with the universe is just thoughts.
These thoughts have some significance; they occupy space in our heads(literally).

As Schrödinger proved — we exist in all possible states at any moment, and as we observe ourselves in the present, we concur our reality. We’ve seen in fiction time machine based movies — how a slight change in the past can have a butterfly effect and change the future. So think about it, whatever time you wake up in the day or where you go today or meet today will define you and your future (sometimes also your luck).

Essentially, our decisions make us travel through multiverses without our knowledge — we experience the reality we choose among the available set of infinite facts — each of them a permutation & combination of our compounded experiences.
Ideally, in the state of ignorance, our mind and body align with our true soul, which lies in some other space trying to create a life you actually want (not what you think you want). Our faith should stay strong, and life should keep moving as we slowly work towards the person we want to become. It doesn’t happen overnight, but gradually as we breathe away into the new perspectives and motivations.

TIME is another mystic variable and affects our lives in ways we can’t always see. We can’t possibly understand everything in such a short lifespan, which makes life so much fun — and humbles us down. This only means that we will keep learning and developing our minds and spiritual being while creating vibrations that add to the entire plane of life.

To make time, your friend, start feeling it every moment you’re awake — it sometimes gives you chills, sometimes the calmness of existence, but it is essential to not fret or feel like you’re in the race against time. Time will pass; you’ll do what you want to and be precisely what you want to be like if you let those thoughts go and just experience the time. It would not be worth it if you race to arrive somewhere but not “here”; instead, you enjoy the journey and keep faith in your spiritual existence that will guide you to arrive “here”.

Embrace the randomness, follow your gut and experience your unique life. Make it what you want it to be like and be there for people you care about — they are part of you from a spiritual perspective.

